Niroo Shayan Sharq Engineering Services Company

Shayan Sharq engineering company
Shayan Company established in 2007 with the aim of offering services in distribution, transmission, telecommunication and dispatching of Khorasan transmission grid. Since 2010, Along with deploying services to other transmission networks in country, by management changes and providing organization, the company performs turnkey projects and generates power plants and renewable energies such as solar, wind, etc,
Regarding the capability of the company, Shayan Company got certification in related tasks
Some of the most prominent activities of the company are listed below
I. Turnkey projects in Distribution and transmission lines
II. Panning, maintaining equipment and commissioning distribution substations
III. Panning, maintaining equipment and commissioning 6.6, 20 and 33 KV of distribution, private and industrial networks
IV. Offering engineering services, management and consultation in different designs related to power, telecommunication and civil
V. Exploiting, maintaining, repairing and retrofitting substations and transmission lines, electricity grids, dispatching and telecommunication systems
VI. Participating in carrying out railway, civil and building projects
VII. Cooperating in power and telecommunication projects in MC way
VIII. Consultation and cooperation in carrying out power, telecommunication and building projects by providing project management office (PMO)
IX. Electrical installation (CCTV, Smart House, Fire alarm)